AW2022 - April 29 - May 1, 2022

Pi Chapter of Zeta Psi Alumni Weekend - April 29 to May 1, 2022, Troy NY

Greeting Brothers,

By now you should have received a postcard in the mail to save the date for our Alumni Weekend, the first in three years. If you haven’t seen it, please contact Frank Harrington, VP of Elders, and provide your current mailing address. Frank can be reached at or via text: 540-222-2721.

Friday, April 29, the festivities start with an afternoon golf outing in Troy for those interested. Spouses/partners are welcome. Friday evening will be a get together at Brown’s Brewery in Troy. Saturday activities include our annual meeting at the house at 10:00am, an afternoon lunch and sporting event that is still TBD. This is still being planned and we are considering a pavilion at Prospect Park. The evening will culminate in a cocktail party at the Hilton Garden Inn. There will be hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. The AW committee elected to try this form of reception instead of the usual sit down dinner to facilitate more interaction between us. Dress is business casual (if that is still an expression). Sunday morning will be an informal breakfast at the Hilton to say our goodbyes until next time.

I am asking that you reach out to others from your years at the Pi. If you need contact info for these brothers please let me or Frank know. We have multiple class year reunions, for example, 30 year class reunion for 1990, 1991, and 1992 since the 0 and 1 years were missed during the pandemic (my 50th was last year).

Registration can be found at Don’t delay as there may be a price increase after March 31.
If you are staying at the Garden Hilton use the group code: RPIZP for our group rate!

In TKPhi,
Tom Moberg ‘71
Elder President